Class details

TAFC FOOT-TEA (4 - 12yrs)

Friday 4:30pm - 6:30pm

Spaces Available 🎉
Venue details

Tonbridge Angels F C,
Halcyon Wealth Longmead Stadium,
Darenth Avenue,
Tonbridge ,
TN10 3JF   view map

Venue Notes
Tonbridge Angels Football Club is located within the Tonbridge Farm sports complex at the bottom of Darenth Avenue. Ample free parking available.

Tonbridge Angels FC are proud to announce that we will be running our first ever 'Foot-Tea' football session on Friday 1st November!

Foot-Tea is a FREE 1 hour football session, followed by a FREE hot meal and indoor activities for children aged 4-12 yrs who receive free school meals / pupil premium. In Kent alone, 21% of children receive free schools meals during term time, school holidays can provide a battle for families with financial worries to provide for their children. Our aim is to support disadvantaged families in some small way, providing to those in most need with an evening of entertainment and a cooked meal during the half term.

Foot-Tea will take place initially 10 sessions per year, and will primarily run during half term dates! Please book now! This project is supported by The Mears Foundation, to who we are very appreciative towards for their generosity!

Spaces are limited so please act fast. You may be required to show proof of the support you receive.

You MUST receive government income support to be eligible for this!

Term price:


Friday 4:30pm - 6:30pm

1 sessions Fri 21 Feb 25